BFB #Hidden716

#Hidden716 is a student-run marketing project that raises cultural awareness and inclusion by highlighting the economic empowerment of small business owners in the Greater Buffalo area. The teens who drive #Hidden716, are Mental Health Ambassadors with BFB. This project is facilitated by The Collaborative Center for Social Innovation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that empowers youth to be better to our community by fostering empathy and instilling a sense of purpose and belonging.

Our Goal: To build community and open dialogue through culturally empowered marketing.

Our Program: Beyond connecting teens with diverse business leaders, we blend transdisciplinary learning and creative design with youth development and civic engagement, while building curious cultures that are psychologically safe and welcome our youth as their authentic selves. 

If you would like to be a part of the #Hidden716 Program, please complete the Mental Health Ambassador training first. Submit your application form here

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